
This page is dedicated to select projects that I am particularly proud to have worked on over the course of my career.

Sandia Thunderbird source displayed as a hologram as seen through a HoloLens, with unamused dog. 

3D Imaging: Gamma-Neutron Correlations

This particular project grew out of my thesis work, which is primarly concerned about using gamma-neutron correlation measurements for characterizing special nuclear material. During this time it occurred to me that I could combine the timing information from these measurements with the 2D spatial information from neutron double scatter to produce a single-sided 3D reconstruction of the source.

 This work become just a single chapter in my thesis, a sort of final addendum to an already complete work, but it is the most novel contribution to nuclear engineering that I made up to that point. 

I also leveraged the at-the-time recently released Microsoft Hololens, augmented-reality glasses, to visualize the 3D reconstruction in space. This ended up being quite the hit at various conferences. Little did I know I would end up working on the same 3D imaging technology that makes it possible for both the Hololens and the Kinect to map rooms! 

Sample spectrum for Th-232 and the results of the BARNI peak finder.

BARNI: Machine Learning for Radionuclide ID

This project initial goals were to build a benchmarking algorithm to compare the radionuclide identification tools provided by commercial vendors. It also came with a catchy acronym BARNI: Benchmark Algorithm for Radio-Nuclide Identification.

The basic principle is to extract the relevant features from a gamma-ray spectra, shown on the left, and feed them to a machine learning classifier (e.g. Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Multi-layer Perceptron Network), in order to determine the radionuclides contributing to the spectrum. I gained invaluable skills in machine learning, and the particular challenges to multi-class multi-label problems in spectroscopy that get less attention from industry than traditional imaging. 

I am particularly proud of this project because we managed to release it as an open-source tool, which isn't always easy in the field of nuclear security. I went on to mentor a couple students who went on to present their work on feature extraction and classifier comparison at the annual INMM conference. The work on this is still ongoing with a planned journal publication in the Annals of Nuclear Energy.


PyIToF: Python Library for iTOF Sensors

By the time I joined Cruise I had almost a decade of computer programming experience, between graduate schools and my service at LLNL. And with this project I got to put all my experience to practice putting together a robust python library for the development of indirect time-of-flight algorithms. I felt like I was able to take my skills to the next level and deliver a reliable platform for other researchers to quickly develop their ideas, interface with sensor data and vendor calibration. 

Two software related problems that I had to solve were (1) universal object serialization and a (2) architecture for algorithm pipelines. The first uses JSON files with associated schemas, and became the standard for the way Cruise requests calibration data from vendors. For algorithm pipelines I developed an architecture that uses directional acyclical graph as backbone to allow other researchers to plug-and-play with various algorithms and make new pipeline releases for performance comparisons.